Category Archives: Perseverance

2014: The List and the Lessons

I’ve made a pleasurable habit of reviewing the list of books I’ve read during the year and looking back over the biggest writing lessons I grokked along the way. If 2013 was the year of the short story, 2014 (for … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, indie publishing, mentors, networking, Perseverance, productivity, Sharon Joss | Leave a comment

The Learning Never Ends

In 2009, when I started writing fiction full-time, I expected I’d get that big fat publishing contract in 3, maybe 4 years tops. I planned to learn everything I could from the best teachers I could find. Most small businesses … Continue reading

Posted in continuous learning, learning the craft, Perseverance, persistence, Sharon Joss | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

And So It Begins…

Time to start a new novel. Every new novel feels like the beginning of a whole new life, and in some ways, it is. I’ve got new people to discover, new adventures to plot, new risks to take. And while … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, novel, opening scene, outline, pacing, Perseverance, persistence, plot, Sharon Joss, Thriller, write, write every day, writer, writers write, Writing, writing, writing goals, writing speed | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Cold Shoulders

The big chill is on. For this past week, we’ve been in the throes of a deep freeze here in Oregon. Today is a bit too nippy even to walk  the dogs.  I lived in Rochester, New York for seven … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, author, Brothers of the Fang, don't give up, fantasy, fiction, joy, La Vida 'Loha, Livin' La Vida 'Loha, manuscript, marketplace, novel, Perseverance, publishers, query, rejection, shape-shifter, Sharon Joss, submission, Uncategorized, vampire, werewolf, write, writers write, writing business | Leave a comment

Growing Pains

I’ve been on a bit of a high since making my first professional sale in May and seeing my short story published in August.  Recently, I’ve begin to experience the letdown that comes with a return to regularly scheduled programming. … Continue reading

Posted in bad hair days, belief systems, butt in chair, don't give up, editing, edits, frustrations, good writing, Perseverance, rejection, writer, writers, writers workshop, writing | Tagged | Leave a comment

DESTINY BLUES – Launch Announcement

Today is the official launch of my urban fantasy novel, DESTINY BLUES. Amazon:                    Paperback hardcopy Amazon:                    Kindle Edition Barnes & Noble:         Nook Edition Kobo:                        Kobo Edition Smashwords:             Smashwords Edition It’s the story of Shore Haven’s favorite meter maid, Mattie … Continue reading

Posted in best seller, Best Sellers, Destiny, Destiny Blues, FATE, Favorite New Author, fiction, happy dance, joy, making a promise to the reader, making stuff up, novel, Perseverance, pitching, published, Sharon Joss, the road to publication, urban fantasy | Leave a comment


For those of you who have been with me a while, one of my early urban fantasy novels (working title FATE) is about to be published.  I just got a proof of the hard copy, and I confess I got … Continue reading

Posted in author, best seller, books, don't give up, fantasy, FATE, happy dance, living the dream, luck, lucky, making stuff up, New York Times, novel, Perseverance, persevere, persistence, publishers, Tell me something GOOD, urban fantasy, voice, writer, writers write | Leave a comment