Tag Archives: thriller

Cover Reveal: STEAM DOGS

Wootie-woot! I’ve been waiting a long time to show you this, but here it is, the reveal of my upcoming thriller novel, STEAM DOGS. I’m a huge fan of action and adventure in both my reading and movie preferences. I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in 2015, action, adventure, Alternate History, Cover Reveal, Crime, Dean Koontz, favorite authors, heist, horror, joy, novel, Sharon Joss, STEAM DOGS, Steampunk, supernatural, Thriller | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

And So It Begins…

Time to start a new novel. Every new novel feels like the beginning of a whole new life, and in some ways, it is. I’ve got new people to discover, new adventures to plot, new risks to take. And while … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, novel, opening scene, outline, pacing, Perseverance, persistence, plot, Sharon Joss, Thriller, write, write every day, writer, writers write, writing, Writing, writing goals, writing speed | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

‘Twas Thrilling

I’m ba-ack… From another week-long craft writing workshop with my mentors Dean Wesley Smith and Kris Kathryn Rush. This time around, the subject was writing ‘modern thrillers’. This is the third craft workshop I’ve taken from them, and I’ve got … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, Clive Cussler, Dean Koontz, Dean Wesley Smith, Hunger Games, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Lincoln City, Sharon Joss, Thriller, writers workshop, writing business | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment