Category Archives: writing speed

And So It Begins…

Time to start a new novel. Every new novel feels like the beginning of a whole new life, and in some ways, it is. I’ve got new people to discover, new adventures to plot, new risks to take. And while … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, novel, opening scene, outline, pacing, Perseverance, persistence, plot, Sharon Joss, Thriller, write, write every day, writer, writers write, Writing, writing, writing goals, writing speed | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Half-fast Writer

I am not a fast writer.  I continually read about writers (all far more successful than I) who can write a novel in 16 days, or a month, or even a week. I am in awe of their capabilities. Last … Continue reading

Posted in ambition, fiction, I Write Like, inner critic, learning the craft, perceptions, persistence, speed writing, write, write every day, write every day; writers write, Writing, writing business, writing goals, writing speed | Tagged | Leave a comment

Feel the Burn

I keep reading about writers writing about how fast they write.  Whew, that’s a mouthful.  And as much as I like the idea of writing fast, I’m afraid that my idea of fast is a paltry 1000-1500 words per day.    … Continue reading

Posted in butt in chair, deadline, feel the burn, speed writing, write every day; writers write, writing speed | Leave a comment