2024: The List & the Lesson

Another year gone by.  As I looked at my annual blog post from 2022, I could not help but feel a strange sense of deja vu at what I wrote two years ago: 

After three years and three pandemics we tighten our global resolve to beat the virus(es), curb inflation, stop global warming, and end a senseless attempt by oligarchs to annihilate an entire county and kill the millions of people who live there.

Two years later and we are still scheduling our vaccines, still fighting inflation and global warming; and have now double-downed on electing our very own home-grown oligarchy. We have been promised mass deportations, annexation of Canada and Greenland and so much more mayhem, starting tomorrow.  Today I express my dismay and embarrassment of the newly-elected leadership  of my country. 

The election fervor that dominated our national consciousness this year also influenced my reading.  I chose to read mostly non-fiction this year. Everything from the architectures of aqueducts  to political histories and even several biographies this year. Of particular note was and Autobiography by the Monty Pythons themselves, which I found fascinating and a bio of Winston Churchill that had me marveling at the the man’s accomplishments, but yawning my way through the writer’s words.  

That said, the notable fiction this year was slim pickings for me, but the stuff I enjoyed the heck out of this year were fantastic adventures.  Total escape!

Best book by a favorite author was the third volume in John Gwynne’s Bloodsworn Trilogy, The Fury  of the Gods.  I was champing at the bit to get my hands on this hefty tome.  I even glutted myself rereading the first two books in the series first: The Shadow of the Gods and The Hunger of the Gods; the whole series is a winner.  This is viking mythology at it’s freshest and very best.  Wonderful characters, engrossing world and myth building, impossible choices and a ton of action.  I cannot recommend this series enough.  

Best new-to-me author was Wesley Chu’s meaty The Art of Prophecy, recommended by a writer friend of mine.  The story is fantastic in every way and completely unexpected.  All of the rave reviews are right on target.  Action galore!  This adventure junkie can’t wait to read the rest of the series. 

And thus comes  the lesson: Common elements in both these novels are non-traditional characters, which (to me) really adds to the novelty of experience for the reader. If you are looking for adventure, you need to break new ground; bring a new world to life; introduce new characters with different ideas about what is important and give them impossible choices and unexpected results.  Both these authors know how to put their characters through the wringer, and as readers we root for the underdog and want to see them endure against impossible odds and triumph. As writers, we all strive for this (I hope). I’ve said it before:  we can’t keep writing the same story.  

Stories like these give all of us hope that we too can endure.

As we must. 

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Is it Cheating?

Let me make this clear: my dog’s name is Merlin. He is an Australian Shepherd and I love him dearly. Unreservedly.  We’ve lived together for 5 years, and we get along great.  No arguments.

He has his quirks, I must admit.  He is a fly-killer extraordinaire, with a hunting technique that would rival any tyrannosaurus. And yes, he is overly committed to sharing my milky coffee in the morning.  He also goes ape-shit crazy when he catches sight of his arch-enemy, the neighbor’s Belgian Tervuren (clearly a canine bastard), and prefers to vomit in the middle of the night right outside the bathroom door– much to my surprise and dismay.

But as with any serious relationship, you compromise.

A few months ago, a young woman moved into the neighborhood with her Border Collie.  A handsome dog, clearly adored by her significant other. Clearly well mannered and thus completely ignored by Merlin. Because Merlin has such an over-the-top negative reaction to his nemesis (the Tervuren), I rarely approach other dogs when I have Merlin with me.

One day, as I was getting out of my car (sans Merlin) they walked by, and I greeted the woman, introduced myself, and asked her for permission to say hello to her dog (as we do). She smiled and said of course.

And in that moment, the world shifted.

I don’t know what it was.  As soon as I touched her, the dog went from friendly acceptance to a reaction that could only be described as two lost lovers reunited after a long separation.  The dog moaned. She fell to the ground and pawed at me to put my hands on her.  When I knelt down, she frantically tried to crawl into my lap.  The dog’s owner and I exchanged WTF looks.  We both kind of laughed it off, but I confess I fell in love (a little bit) with that dog. I was like she knew me. Deja vu, fate, whatever you want to call it, that dog recognized me. Knew me. Loved me.

Awkward.  Her owner literally had to drag her away, and the dog cried and struggled to return to me until they were out of sight.

I have seen them again (from across the street) when I am walking Merlin, and the Border Collie does not react. Merlin pays no attention to them (and I am secretly relieved, which is weird).

But twice now, I have encountered them without Merlin in tow and this dog repeats the same behaviors to me. It’s kind of embarrassing. The woman told me she has never seen her dog behave this way before.

Yesterday, I passed them in my car while driving home. I waved and remember thinking that the woman’s dog was undoubtedly the sweetest Border Collie I have ever met. I even thought about telling the woman so.  I mean, what if she couldn’t keep the dog any more for some reason? I would take that dog in a skinny minute.  And then I thought about Merlin; I don’t think he would want to share my affections. I felt a twinge of guilt.

The two of them reached me as I was getting out of the car.  The dog again greeted me effusively, with much moaning and obvious yearning.  Absolutely irresistible. I melted. The woman said, “As soon as she saw you, she started dragging me up the hill.” She didn’t sound too pleased.

The dog knows my car.

Is it wrong if you like (well, maybe love a little) someone else’s dog?  And what if they like (or love) you back?

I keep thinking about that dog and I feel guilty.  Is it cheating?

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Writing Weather – Baby It’s Cold Outside

We had plenty of warning for this monster storm, but that doesn’t make it any less “chilling”. Oregon and much of the Pacific Northwest is hunkered down at home (as we expect to do this time of year) just waiting on/enduring the big blast of frigid air that has come thundering down from the north. Temps tumbled from the upper 30s (degrees Fahrenheit)) at noon yesterday to about 20 in less than 3 hours. Cold, but dry; too dry for snow.  The +45mph winds kicked up around 10pm last night (as Merlin and I went for our last walk of the day), and even though I was wearing two parkas, it cut right through all that down. Eye-watering cold. This morning, the thermometer on my balcony (rimmed by pink lights) registered at 20 degrees (with wind chill, we have a ‘feels like’ temperature of 0 degrees (that’s -17 Celsius for my friends in Australia and the UK)), and that is the expected high temperature for today. 

What little snow we’ve seen thus far is just powdered sugar, whipped up by the winds.  It’s too cold and dry to be worrisome, but sometime later today, the bitter winds and sub-freezing temps will collide with an atmospheric river of rain driving up from the south and sit right over the Portland area for a couple days.  Actually, based on the weather warnings, the heart of the ‘weather event’ is expected to be right over me and several of my writer-peep friends here in  Beaverton. I’m keeping an eye on the bird bath and hummingbird feeder, and thawing out both every hour for the birds.  I’m also keeping the porch and deck lights on so the birds have a somewhat warmer place to seek shelter fro the wind and cold. Not worried about snow or rain; it’s the ice that will keep me & the dog inside. It’s not a sure thing, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

Nothing to do now, but write. 


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Happy Solstice: The Return of the Sun

A few years ago, I gave up the madness of the Christmas season (when people celebrate Chris) for a quieter, nontheistic celebration of the first day of Winter, and the return of the light. I no longer have to face the herds of desperate migrating travelers as we all attempt to reach the lands of our clans. Instead, I spend the ‘me’ day working on my goals and deliverables for the coming year and updating/honing my 5-year strategic plan. I ponder things and think thoughts.  

I do indulge in a small tree or cedar boughs; festooned with Nordic goats, birds, and symbols that represent hopes and dreams for the future (cottages, hearts & luck). An altar with items from the past year that made me happy and candles lit at sunrise to greet the sun always brings a swell of positivity to my heart.  It’s a nice way to start the day…and the year as well.

Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season and a more positive world in 2024. 


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Positive Words of Wisdom and an Epiphany

The past three years have been tough on all of us. The pandemic, the insurrection on January 6th, the horror of mass shootings and senseless murders at the hands of police officers, and an  incomprehensible war in Ukraine represented but a few of the headlines in the global news.  Add to that our uniquely individual silent traumas, and I think the word tough might actually be an understatement.  But wait, this blog post is not going to be about wallowing in negativity. This is a positive blog post.

Stay with me on this, for I am about to share the secret of how I recently switched from a negative belief system to a positive belief system, based on words of wisdom shared by a couple of master creatives.  One is  a new-to-me discovery; the other a venerated Wizard of Words.

It all started a couple of months ago with Amazon Prime.  I got a recommendation (as we do) based on my shopping history (which, best as I could tell, was prompted by recent purchases of Ray LaMontaigne’s Trouble and Ouroboros CDs as well as a new The HU, Rumble of Thunder CD (Mongolian throat singing heavy metal rock– I kid you not, these guys are fantastic in a very primal way).

My taste in music is eclectic to say the least, so I am thinking that maybe the Amazon bots thought my choice in music was a bit on the dark side and figured I should lighten up a bit.  Anyway, they popped up with  list of comedian videos, one of which was Eddie Izzard’s Emmy-award-winning 2002 performance, Dress to Kill.

With a few exceptions (Robin Williams, Steve Martin) I don’t normally enjoy stand-up comedians; they mostly seem angry and shouty to me. But I watched the Dress to Kill preview and was hooked almost immediately. Needless to day, I laughed myself silly.  I spent the next several weeks binge-watching his videos, from the earliest to the most recent.  I even watched the 2009 documentary on his life, Believe, which was nominated for an Emmy for best documentary. Eddie Izzard’s comedy style is surreal and apparently, so is my taste in comedy (your funny bone mileage may vary).  I watched and rewatched and laughed my head off every day.  It felt good. And the thing is, the good feels stayed with me, long after the videos ended.

I realized that I hadn’t laughed much in a very long time.

But beneath the humor, I marveled at the word choices, sentence structure, em-PHAH-sis and rhythm of his chatty style of humor. The more I watched the performances, the more certain I became that I was enjoying a master class in writing (as well as performance).  Although the medium of stand-up is different (and obviously more challenging), all good comedians necessarily have to be good writers.

Not so different from me.

Yeah, yeah, I know you (writer peeps) already know this from comedy TV shows and Saturday Night Live, but for some reason it didn’t really hit home for me until I read Eddie Izzard’s New York Times bestselling autobiography, Believe Me.  Here is a creative (transgendered) person who knew exactly what he wanted to do in life from a very young age, but for whom the path to success had some hugely daunting obstacles to overcome and decades of ‘no’ to endure. For me, the key takeaways were having a rock-solid positive belief system (oh yes I can!), stamina, patience, and determination (and a dollop of courage) that will (eventually) get you where you want to go. I found the book to be to be supremely inspirational. And then, because he is a performance artist, I bought the audiobook as well, which has many additional (and fascinating) footnotes that the printed book did not have. It became evident to me that Eddie Izzard does so much more than ‘just’ act or write or perform. He/she has a vision of a better world and backs it up as a dedicated activist for causes that are important to him/her. I am awed.

After this glutting myself on laughter and inspiration, I also reread what I consider to be the best book on writing ever written: On Writing by Stephen King. Two hundred and eighty-eight pages of wise words. Yes, I reread this on every year and every year it’s chock-solid full of advice to writers and an account of his experiences coming up as one of the best (and one of my favorite) novelists of the past 50 years. I reread this book every year, and every year (as my craft improves), I get more out of it.

Re-connecting with laughter over the past several weeks and reading these two books has drastically rebooted my outlook on life in a purely positive way. I feel freshly enthusiastic again about my plans and dreams for the future. My well of positivity, determination and yes, even stamina has been refilled.

And thus, just this morning, I reached an epiphany:
– All of us need more laughter in our life; I don’t think it’s possible to kill people, plan an insurrection or invade a country when you’re enjoying life. Glut yourself on funny movies or videos or whatever tickles your particular funny bone.  I recommend a two-week binge, at least.
– Make a daily affirmation to embrace a positive belief system.  One where you look forward to reaching every goal and imagine the feelings of how wonderful it will feel when you get there. Wean out the nay-sayers in your life. Dream great good things for yourself.
– Remember the golden rule and treat others as you would prefer to be treated. What goes around, comes around, and change is the only constant in life. Kindness and politeness are an essential part of a positive belief system.
– Acknowledge that every little step you make towards that goal is progress.  I believe that when we marry intention with action, miracles happen.

So yeah.  My positive message distilled from two masters I admire greatly: Laugh more. Embrace a Positive Belief System. Dream big. Practice the golden rule. Aim to take a step closer to your goal every day. I hope my epiphany adds a bit of positivity to your day.

Welp, that’s all I’ve got.
Oh, and read (or listen to!) good books.

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2022: The List & The Lesson

Another year gone by.
After three years and three pandemics we tighten our global resolve to beat the virus(es), curb inflation, stop global warming, and end a senseless attempt by oligarchs to annihilate an entire county and kill the millions of people who live there.

We have no way forward but through change. This is the way it has always been: we adapt to survive. When the old ways no longer work, we innovate. We partner with our friends (and in so doing, help ourselves), building strength in numbers. In solutions. In ideas. Eventually, the momentum will turn, and change will come. As it must.

The only constant is change.

As a writer, this is a lesson we already know: we can’t keep writing the same story.  We constantly look for new ideas; explore new worlds; seek to understand where our  futures will go and how it will look. How will these changes affect our lives? Our politics? Our ideas and goals?

In that vein, I changed up my reading genres this year.  Thanks to Roku, I enjoyed the televised milieus of Michael Connelly’s LAPD Detective Harry Bosch (on Bosch) and Ann Cleeve’s DCI Jimmy Perez (Shetland). Connelly’s books already take up a good portion of real estate in my bookshelves, but I hadn’t discovered Cleeve’s work.

After reading a dozen or more of her novels, I can say her her Jimmy Perez series, starting with Raven Black was my FAVORITE READ BY NEW-TO-ME AUTHOR this year. While I think the television series for both authors is better (in a different way) than the books, the Shetland series doesn’t capture the island culture and politics of the series quite like the books do, and Connelly’s Bosch series has better characterizations/relationships in secondary characters and builds a stronger sense of immediate danger better than the novels. Honorable mention goes to N. K. Jemison’s The Fifth Season, which (to me)  wasn’t exactly enjoyable as much as admirable.

FAVORITE CLASSIC: I reread the entire Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling this summer, one right after the other. Twenty-five years later and it’s still magical; it still works. Oh what a wonderful world she built.

FAVORITE READ BY FAVORITE AUTHOR:  Hands down, Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series, particularly the third book, The Golden Enclaves was the best ending to a series I’ve ever read (a place previously held in my heart by Robin Hobb’s Blood of Dragons). Having just finished rereading all about Hogwarts, I was wary that this was just another magic school trope, but it is/isn’t in the most acerbic/stunning way. In fact, Novik’s three-volume Scholomance series got better with each book, and I sobbed (for lack of a better word) with both joy and horror the entire last third of the book, an emotion I have never experienced before. Utter cruelty and brutality in a single thought. The pinnacle of heroism in a single word. Novik’s Temeraire series made her an auto-buy author for me, but this one is just…Wow.

The lesson to me is to keep evolving. Keep exploring new ideas. Live a life of constant learning.  Keep in touch with friends and keep making new ones. Value new experiences; good or bad, you will learn something new. As we learn, we change. As we must.

Oh, and keep reading.

Posted in 2023, Boasch, Bosch, Robin Hobb, Scholomance, Sharon Joss, Shetland | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Winter Has Come

Winter has come.
With it, a ‘storm in a generation’ has begun a thorough tour of most of North America, just to remind us all that in the timeline of eternity, the Ice Age was mere moments ago. Oregon isn’t known for harsh winters, but it was 18 degrees this morning, with sustained winds of 40mph.

Serious Weather.
Good thing I’ve lived in both central New York and Idaho, and know what to do. I donned two sweatshirts, a down vest, two down parkas, a hat and scarf to walk the dog this morning. By tomorrow, temps are expected to go into single digits or below. The ice storm is expected to start tonight, and deposit at least a half inch of solid ice on every exposed surface. Too dangerous to even attempt walking. Merlin and I will limit outdoor time to very brief breaks on the lawn outside. And whisper a prayer that the power doesn’t go out.

This is dangerous weather. Primal.
I can almost recall some sort of ancestral uneasiness. Hunker down in front of the fire. Don’t go out there. We are helpless before the storm: the winds that bite, the ice that kills. Stay inside. Be safe. Let it blow itself out.

The sun will return. While the winter solstice brings the longest night, we also welcome the return of the light. Of hopes and dreams for the future. Of better times to come.

Be well. Be warm. Dream of the sun to come.
As it does.

Happy Yule. Happy Solstice. Happy New Year.

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