For those of you who have been with me a while, one of my early urban fantasy novels (working title FATE) is about to be published. I just got a proof of the hard copy, and I confess I got a real thrill when I opened the box and picked it up for the first time. I’ve been carrying it around with me everywhere. I even got an e-book reader this week, so that when it’s published, I’ll be able to order it and carry it around in my purse!
As a writer whose output is generally limited to the digital plane, the sensory satisfaction I get from the feel of my own book in my hands is something that’s hard to describe. It’s kind of like opening that birthday present from smelly old aunt Gertrude and discovering that instead of an ugly sweater, you’ve been given the keys to a magic kingdom. You realize that maybe old Gertie wasn’t such a dreary sort after all…