Category Archives: write every day

Rainforest: A Working Vacation

I am back from five (not exactly fun-filled, but definitely enjoyable) days at the Rainforest Writers Retreat. A working vacation, if you will; the first writer’s retreat I’ve attended. No, I didn’t finish my current work-in-progress; I didn’t even write … Continue reading

Posted in Rainforest, Sharon Joss, write every day, writers | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Wow Factor: Dreams & Goals for the Long Haul

A writer I much admire, Dean Wesley Smith, wrote an inspirational blog recently about dreams and goals (you can read it here), and it got me thinking. He just finished a year of writing (and publishing as part of his … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, belief systems, books, business, Dean Wesley Smith, don't give up, Dreams, fun with writing, goals, great fiction, indie publishing, learning the craft, production schedule, published, resolution, Sharon Joss, the writing speaks for itself, write, write every day, write every day; writers write, writer | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

And So It Begins…

Time to start a new novel. Every new novel feels like the beginning of a whole new life, and in some ways, it is. I’ve got new people to discover, new adventures to plot, new risks to take. And while … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, novel, opening scene, outline, pacing, Perseverance, persistence, plot, Sharon Joss, Thriller, write, write every day, writer, writers write, Writing, writing, writing goals, writing speed | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Good Writing Weather

It’s snowing outside, and it snowed yesterday too.  I shoveled at least four inches of snow off the driveway this morning, and we’re expecting anywhere from another 2-5 inches overnight.  When I lived in upstate New York, I would have … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, good writing, snow, weather, write every day, writers write, Writing, writing quota | Leave a comment

Half-fast Writer

I am not a fast writer.  I continually read about writers (all far more successful than I) who can write a novel in 16 days, or a month, or even a week. I am in awe of their capabilities. Last … Continue reading

Posted in ambition, fiction, I Write Like, inner critic, learning the craft, perceptions, persistence, speed writing, write, write every day, write every day; writers write, Writing, writing business, writing goals, writing speed | Tagged | Leave a comment

Here Comes the Sun

Happy Solstice! Saturday is the shortest day of the year.  In the ‘old’ days (the really old days), people celebrated the end of darkness and return of the light.  From now until June, good ol’ Sol will shine its light … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 resolutions, business, networking, persevere, persistence, write every day, write every day; writers write, writers conference, writers workshop, writers write, writing business, writing goals, writing quota | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Writing at the Coast

I’m baaack. From a nine-day sojourn to Lincoln City for an intensive Science Fiction writing workshop, taught by award-winning author and editor, Kristine Rusch.  Wrote four shorts and a little a technique exercise that mutated into a flash fiction piece.  Read … Continue reading

Posted in Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Rusch, making stuff up, networking, Oregon, science fiction, short story, workshop, write every day, write every day; writers write, writers, writers write, writing, Writing, writing business | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment