Summer arrived with a bang this month. This weekend, most of Oregon is under an excessive heat warning for the next two days. Temperatures are predicted to top 100 degrees where I live. It’s early yet, so I’ve got my windows open, trying to suck in as much cool morning air as possible.
I’ve been pretty quiet lately because I’m hard at work on book four in my Hand of Fate urban fantasy / paranormal romance series, Mystic Jive. My goal is to have the first draft finished in three weeks, so it’s just as well that the dog and I will be parked in front of the fans all weekend. Right now, I’m in the middle of it, and the magic that happens when the story comes together reminds me how much I love writing. The words start coming fast and furious, and it’s all I can do to get them down as quick as I can type. For me, this is the very best part of the process. I can’t take the day off–you don’t mess with the muse.
So I’m not going to the farmers market this morning. Or down to the lake to watch the ducks paddle about. No drive to the beach for a walk in the sand for me. I’ll take Rowan out for shady walks at the park with all the trees, but that’s about it. Hot or cold, it’s all writing weather.
Such is the life of a writer. Write on.