I finished editing the final six chapters on AURUM today. I’m done. Finished, Finito.
This is my fourth completed novel. The joy and lightness of spirit that comes with having written is a high I’ve now experienced four times, but it doesn’t get old. If anything it just keeps getting sweeter.
AURUM took me ten months to complete. I started brainstorming ideas on the 16th of December, wrote the first sentence of the initial draft on March 4th, and the last on July 4th. I worked on some other projects for a month while I let the story ‘cool off’, and began revisions on August 8th. I completed four drafts over those two months I spent editing. In all, I wrote more than 175K words on this novel, although the final version is about half of that.
I feel good. Real good. I bought a little single-glass sized bottle of champagne and some good chocolate to celebrate.
Tomorrow I start the next one.