Category Archives: dogs

Is it Cheating?

Let me make this clear: my dog’s name is Merlin. He is an Australian Shepherd and I love him dearly. Unreservedly.  We’ve lived together for 5 years, and we get along great.  No arguments. He has his quirks, I must … Continue reading

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Sunday Puppy Pix Fix & The Puppy Love Paradox

The pup I adopted in June is now 16 months old. Merlin has adjusted pretty well to his new life, as have I. We have a regular schedule that he can depend on, regular meals, daily playtime, walkies, games, baths, … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, Merlin, Sharon Joss | Leave a comment

Dog Days Return

The dog days of summer are here. Defined as “the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs in the northern hemisphere,” you could say that we are smack in the middle … Continue reading

Posted in dog hair, dogs, Sharon Joss, summer | Tagged | Leave a comment

Dear Old Dog

Today, my darling dog Mia turned 14. In dog years, that’s…really old. Like about 100 in dog years. She’s been totally deaf for the last two of them, and in the last few months, her vision has declined to the … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, dogs, Livin' La Vida 'Loha, Love my dog, Mia, Old dogs, Sharon Joss | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Feed the Muse

Every once in a while (and thankfully, it doesn’t happen often), I start feeling a little like a hamster in a cage– running forward as fast as I can, but not going anywhere. The last few weeks, I’ve been in … Continue reading

Posted in 2014, bad hair days, books, dogs, don't give up, emotions, inspiration, learning the craft, mentors, muse, Ray Bradbury, Sharon Joss | Tagged | Leave a comment


Yes, I know it looks different. I liked the look of the old theme template better, but frankly, it wasn’t flexible enough for my needs.  It only had one page and limited customization, and I wanted multiple pages, with a … Continue reading

Posted in 2013, blog, blog roll, blog traffic, blogger, dogs, love my blog, slogging the blog, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Three Dog Night

This weekend, the grapes on my grapevines started to ripen, about four weeks early.  Normally, I get them (mostly) picked before the end of August, and the birds and raccoons get the rest.  Since grapes aren’t good for dogs,   I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in dogs, grapes, naps, three dog night, tummy aches | Leave a comment