My blogging has fallen behind this month–almost a month since my last blog entry. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without writing a blog entry. I’m not making excuses, but I’ve been incredibly busy. I just completed my second novel of 2015 (my sixth novel overall!). Fortunately, the weather has been cooperating–rain is terrific writing weather.
In case you haven’t heard, Portland and the rest of Oregon has been pretty much deluged with water lately. While the all-time Portland rainfall record of +20 inches in a single month (set in December, 1882) isn’t in danger of being broken, we’ve already received more than 10 inches of rain this month, and are on track to smash the Portland Airport record of +13 inches (FYI, the Portland Airport didn’t exist in 1882). Average monthly rainfall for this area is 6.77 inches. Beautiful Multnomah Falls now has two falls instead of one.
I finally had to break down and get Rowan a raincoat. With so much rain, her thick coat acts like a sponge and doesn’t have time to dry out between walks. And while I’m not a fan of owners who dress up their dogs, this sunny yellow raincoat is absolutely adorable on her. She wore it for the first time this morning, and after everyone made such a big fuss over her, I think she likes it.
Writing and walking the dog is pretty much my life these days. The weather folks are telling us to expect rain through at least Christmas Eve, but I don’t mind. Today, I start working on the new novel. Let it rain.