Less than three weeks to WorldCon! I’ve got a lot to get done, and the clock is ticking.
I am planning to have a couple of Advance Reader Copies of Mystic Jive with me. Bring a copy of one of my books (or a short story!) to sign (Thursday at 3pm is your best bet), and I’ll give you a free ARC. First come, first serve, while supplies last.
Here’s my WorldCon / MidAmeriCon II schedule. I’ll update this as I fill up time.
14:00 – 15:00 (Kansas City Convention Center) 2202
Special group reading featuring authors from the Arc Manor & Galaxy’s Edge Magazine. I’ll be reading from my story, “Ides of Nevah-Nevah”
With: Mike Resnick (M), Tina Gower, Alex Shvartsman, Marina J. Lostetter
15:00 – 16:00, Autographing Space (Kansas City Convention Center)
If you’re looking to find me for a book signing, and an advanced reader copy of Mystic Jive, this is the place. Me, with Anna Kashina, Jason Sanford, and John W. Campbell award winner, Mur Lafferty
18:00 – 19:00 (Kansas City Convention Center) 2208
The Real Lab
Sometimes things go very right in the lab, and sometimes things go horribly wrong. Professional scientists discuss the sometimes terrifying, often hilarious, crazy things that can happen when working in the lab. How does science happen and is it really as clean cut and precise as we are led to believe? How has science organized itself so that error corrects solid knowledge out of the human stew?
With: Dr Helen Pennington, Dr. Ronald Taylor, MR. Donald Douglas Fratz, Benjamin C. Kinney (I’m moderating this one)
19:00 – 20:00 (Kansas City Convention Center) 2208
Biology: The New Hard SF
It’s been 20 years (at least) since space travel and physics problems could credibly claim to be at the centre of “hard SF:” the biological sciences, from genomics to ecology, seem more central to our future. What narrative opportunities does biology offer SF writers? Which stories make the most of those opportunities, and which fall into common traps? And what areas does SF need to further explore?
With: Mr. Leo d’Entremont (M), S.B. Divya, Dr. Tom Easton, Robert J. Sawyer
09:00-10:00 Private Writers Breakfast
15:00 – 16:00 (Kansas City Convention Center) 2503B
Legends and Myths in Urban Fantasy
Most urban fantasy draws upon folklore and legnds. How do these old mystical beliefs inform modern fantasy? What place does magic have in downtown New York, Mexico City, or London? Do the rules of magic and the supernatural change between when you cross between city street and countryside?
With: Dana Cameron (M), Randy Henderson, Yanni Kuznia, Chelsea Mueller
11:00 – 13:00 2205 – A/V (Kansas City Convention Center)
SFWA Business Meeting
SFWA members only. Latest updates from the board about what SFWA has been doing and what plans are in place for the next year. Cat Rambo (M), M.C.A. Hogarth, Bud Sparhawk, Sarah Pinsker, Kate Baker, Matthew Johnson, Jennifer Brozek, Susan Forest, Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen
16:00 – 17:00 (Kansas City Convention Center) 2206
Science That Inspired Science Fiction Authors
A panel of science fiction authors talk about the scientific research and breakthroughs that inspired them to become science fiction authors.
With: Renée Sieber, Paul Dale Anderson, Matthew Hughes, Bradley Denton (M)
17:00-19:00 – Private Dinner
19:00 – ?? Hugo Awards
Last year I watched livestream from the bar, but I could be anywhere.
Home again, home again, jiggity-jig.