Coming soon to a bookseller near you, MYSTIC JIVE! Release day is in less than a month away, and there’s still so much more to do. I’m starting to ramp up the promotion right now, so you’ll be seeing more about this in coming weeks.
This is the fourth book in my Hand of Fate urban fantasy series. Book 1 in the series, DESTINY BLUES, is free, so grab your copy while you can now on Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple iTunes, or wherever you buy e-books.
Upcoming Appearances
WorldCon / MidAmeriCon II is next month, in beautiful St. Louis, MO. I’ll be doing a group reading for Galaxy’s Edge magazine and several other panels. In addition to copies of my short stories, I’m hoping to have a few copies of MYSTIC JIVE on hand to give away (first come, first serve) to people who ask me to sign paperback versions of Destiny Blues, Legacy Soul, or Chaos Karma.
I’ll also be attending OryCon in Portland, Oregon in November–look for me there.