Slogging the Blog: First Candle

Sharon Joss Writes is a year old today.  The year had gone by so quickly, I almost missed it.  Looking back, I don’t regret a minute of the time I spent dreaming up topics, searching for cool (to me) pics, or the writing of the blog posts.  It’s been fun, actually.  I look back over the year’s worth of posts, and I can’t believe I had so much to say.  Okay, arguably, maybe I didn’t actually say that much, but somehow, every week at least, I found something to write about.  Something that more often than not I had no idea about what I was planning to say.  In a sense, I think I’ve enjoyed the creativity more than anything. 
My goal in starting this blog was to start to build my platform as a writer.  Toward that effort, I wrote 94 posts totaling more than 41,000 words.  I still find it hard to believe those numbers, but it’s true.  Most days the writing came easily, and I spent no more than an hour on each post, which averaged a total of 430 words per post.  Blogger and StatCounter are the statistical blog tracking services I use.  Both sites counted approximately 4800 visitors to Pandora Swift Notes in 2011.  The statistics reported by both companies reported an average of roughly 380 unique visitors per month; 50 of which were returning regulars, and 150 were first-timers. 
Visitors came primarily from the US, the United Kingdom, Canada and Western Europe, although there were also a surprising number of visitors from New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, and India.  Not surprisingly, 69% of page view browsers were Internet Explorer; but FireFox accounted for 14% of the page views, and Safari and Chrome accounted for 7% each. 
Over the year I have also become a regular visitor of several other helpful and interesting (at least to me) blogs; most of which I have added to my blog roll on the right hand side of this page.  When I started this blog a year ago, the only blogs I really followed were GRRM’s Not a Blog and Christina’s Writing Buzz and Screaming Guppy.  Now I cannot imagine not making a daily visit to Magical Words or Miss Snark or Query Shark. 
I appreciate all the people who have stopped by for a visit, and even more those who have commented so positively and keep returning.  When I started this blog, I had no expectations that I would even last a year as a regular blogger.  I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to stick with it, but I think I can wear the blogger title proudly.  A year later, I still love my blog. 
This entry was posted in blogger, Christinas Buzz, GRRM, love my blog, Screaming Guppy, slogging the blog, StatCounter. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Slogging the Blog: First Candle

  1. Happy 1 Year!! Love the monster cake, too, BTW ;-D Your blog is a favorite of mine, always love your well thought out and entertaining posts. I look forward to following another year’s worth.

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