Welp, we’ve got a white Christmas here in Oregon. Everyone’s favorite winter weather event. The weather folks (who should know) hinted at the slim possibility of a white Christmas, and everyone I know was excited by the prospect, which is pretty rare in the Portland area. A slim chance. Hardly even worth mentioning. It didn’t seem too likely.
After all, we were in the midst of a blissful, sunny (if cold) stretch of clear skies and sunny days. Dry as a bone, but beautiful. Thursday morning, we woke to a winter wonderland coated in hoarfrost for the Solstice. A sky so blue, it hurt your eyes to look at it.
The rains returned on Friday. Oregonians actually miss the rains if they’re gone too long, so it wasn’t a big deal. Maybe those weather folks were right. A trace of snow on Christmas Eve–what a lovely thought. Yesterday morning it started. I was on the phone with my sister, and went to the window to be sure. Yep.
Wet snow. Son of a gun, we’re gonna have a white Christmas.
Within hours, there was a light frosting of snow everywhere.
So lovely to see.
For about an hour.
Just until the temperatures plummeted.
All that wet snow turned to ice.
Slick as snot–not even a dog wanted to venture out in that mess.
You happy now?
You can keep dreaming of that white Christmas all you like, but don’t expect me to agree you.
Where I live, that means ice, baby. I’m gonna just stay inside all day and hope it goes away real soon.
Happy Holidays.