I’m back from another excellent/exhausting/exhilarating week in Lincoln City, or as I like to think of it, the Land of Writers. I took an eight-day-long class on the business of writing, which, as it turns out, is a lot more involved than you might think.
In addition to the aspects of craft and other elements of a writing career, we learned about managing and protecting our property (the different aspects of copyright), contracts, wills, estate management, corporate structures, even how to approach negotiations when Hollywood comes a’calling. Fascinating stuff; delivered at high velocity–picture trying to consume the output of a firehose, and you’ll get an approximation of the amount of data overload we received last week. All good to know, but whew! Writing ain’t for sissies.
We also networked with thirty-something other writers, spent time with publishers, designers, audio and insurance experts and learned marketing strategies from the pros. I came home with more than 60 action items for myself.
I gotta get to work!