To be honest, the writerly life is generally a solitary one, especially after the 2-month intensive focus I’ve given to finishing up my manuscript. I hope I remember my social skills! I’m connecting with a couple of friends I’ve met at previous writer workshops, so I won’t be completely on my own, and am looking forward to cutting loose a little. On the other hand, I plan to make the most of the experience, and meet as many other professionals in the business as possible. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from attending the last couple of conferences, it’s that you don’t know what you don’t know until you’re in the same room with it. You never know when someone will say just the exact thing that answers a question you didn’t know you had, or when someone shares a tip or shortcut that opens a new world, or a speaker says just the thing that inspires me or makes a few more puzzle pieces click into place.
I want to make a good impression, and be open and accepting of whatever experience the universe has to teach me. Not only that, but it’ll be great to wear shoes again.
What a beautiful time to go to Seattle! Can’t wait to read your update on how the conference went ;-D
Hope you make some great contacts.