Now that GLAMOUR is done, and I’m in the query cycle, I’m taking this week to recover by cleaning up my office, preparing for an upcoming class I’m taking on editing (I’ve got eight workshop-buddy critiques to write), and starting to pack the first boxes for an upcoming move.
In that same vein, I’m also changing gears on the writing side was well. I want to write at least three short stories this year. Last year, I only wrote one, and only submitted it to a couple of markets. After hearing several pros talk about the value of short stories as a way to build an audience and credibility at the Cascade Writers Workshop(yes, that’s me standing in the second row, second from the end, in the jean jacket) I’ve decided I need to make a more concerted effort. The short form is a challenge for me, but I do appreciate the fact that I can write a short story in less than a week.
I’m hoping that the short story form will get the creative side of me revved up. I got some terrific encouragement on the last short I wrote, and have plans to submit it into more appropriate markets. Additionally, one of the editors I met at the workshop mentioned that she specifically writes her shorts to prompts from writers marketplaces, such as Duotrope. Duotropemaintains a big list of markets for all genres. You can set up a search profile to find markets for your work, or write for the markets which interest you. I get a weekly report that tells me what pro, semi-pro, and non-paying markets are available, as well as handy links to the submission guidelines. Who knows, maybe my next novel will come from a short story? I can’t wait to find out!