Once you’ve created your CreateSpace membership and uploaded your dashboard with your novel, you finish applying to the Amazon contest. You’ll upload an excerpt of your novel, your pitch, and you’re pretty much done. I’d say that part took another 20 minutes, also free.
It wasn’t until I talked to someone that had entered the contest last year, that I even considered entering. If you’re like me, and been reluctant to enter anything you’ve written into a contest, think about the advantages of entering this one:
· It’s free (did I mention that already?); you don’t even have to put a stamp on the durn thing!
· You don’t even have to win to mention that you entered (or even better, were a semifinalist) in your agent and editor query letters. If you haven’t been published yet, every little bit helps.
· You’ve already put all that time and effort into writing and editing this manuscript; isn’t it about time it did more than lay around? Isn’t it about time to wake it up again and put it to work?
I entered my novel.
I don’t have any illusions about winning. The winners the last three years are all ‘literary’ fiction writers and my genre is totally different–political thriller.
1. It’s free;
2. Maybe one of the judges (agents) might take note of my entry and decide on their own that it’s worth a look.